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January 30, 2009



I've just discovered this guy thanks to you and... Oh my god, he's so excellent!!! I laughed all the way!
And he's totally right!! We always learn phrases which never help. Like, in english class : My tailor is rich O_o.
Honestly... do these situations really happen?

Thank you for this great vid ^^


Too funny! I've not seen him before.

While I don't speak much French, most of the same probably holds true for high school Russian.

To this day I can fluently ask Marta what she wants.


Just lurking by, but now I have to spend several hours searching youtube for MORE MORE MORE.

Absolutely hilarious!

KJ Hamnik


Well written article.


ok just love it. Being French myself makes it even funnier. too much I thing I busted something from laughing so hrad. Send me your favorite clip when you find it. I need more! Tout de suite!

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