Lazy Shamrock Ranch, Colorado
Lily loves riding. Loves horses. What girl doesn't? When you've got pink cowboy boots, you kind of have to take the reins, so to speak. Lily was so excited to ride a horse at the Lazy Shamrock Ranch in Colorado with Uncle Chris at the helm. Those paying attention should know that this is the one and only "Big Enough," aptly named by Lily's second cuz, Torrance.
Interstate 80
I was trying to sneak a picture of Lily with my digital camera while trying to hold it over my head unnoticed. Clearly, not successful. Just makes me think of what a good little car traveler our Lily is. She watches her movies. Can put them in. Take them out. Put them away. She never complains. Loves seeing new hotels. Especially, the swimming pools. She's just a good little companion. I love my Lily Loo.
Papillion Mall
What do you even say? How do you tell her it costs $175/hour with $12 for every mile thereafter? Sorry. It's pretty, but no can do.
Waving tickets (on-line purchase) to the Hannah Montana show. Hair and makeup have been done. Nails are a flattering, sparkling extravaganza. Life is good.
Joslyn Museum, Omaha
Brownie field trip to our local museum, The Joslyn. Some hands-on projects for the girls. Messy and great. Yay.
Wyoming Somewhere
On the road trip home to Nebraska from Nevada. Think this was at a Holiday Inn Express in Cheyenne.
Lily on Pierce's Birthday -- just as she was about to "help" him blow out the candles. It's important to show leadership.
Burke High School, Omaha NE
Little light banter in the halls behind the stage. Just waiting for Lily's number. Everyone is feeling gorgeous with colorful outfits and MAKEUP!
The Grove, LA CA
This is Lily's new American Girl Doll. Now that Webkinz are virtually impossible to acquire, we thought we'd buy our child's love with an even more expensive "thing." Instead of "American Girl Store," Adrian suggests we call it the "American Express Store."
West Hollywood Park, CA
A trip down Memory Lane... Just shy of Boy's Town, and not the one we have here, is the West Hollywood park. It's got great play sets for the younger crew. Quite a playground. We used to frequent this place when Lily was but a small babe. Then we moved to Nebraska. I took the kids back to this park during our trip to California.
School! This is the first day of Kindergarten. A little exciting. A little scary. A little fraught. A little sad. I cried.
Atlantic Iowa Community Center
Lily thinks it's pretty amusing that a song would be called "Shake Your Booty." Her dance for this song is even more amusing. Nevertheless, Memorial Day found us at a wedding in rurual Iowa. Lily has been to exactly one wedding prior to this. The last one found her on the dance floor for 90% of the reception. She was miffed that she had to WAIT for the bride and the groom to get THEIR dance over with. Sheesh. Needless to say, she had really been looking forward to this outing. She would get to dance. She would get to eat cake. Last but not least, this was an opportunity to DRESS! Any occasion for fancy dress is GREAT NEWS to Lily. Alas, her day was not as she had hoped. Not only did we have to leave before the dancing. Sorry. We also had to leave before CAKE. This photo was obviously before we imparted any of that information to her.
Gingerbread House Pre-School, Bob Boozer Drive
Thought it would be cute to get a Spring shot with Mrs. Covolo. Especially as we're nearing the end of the school year... Kindergarten (gulp) is around the corner.
Doesn't Lily look thrilled to take this photo?
Bent Creek Park, Omaha
Not even the junkiest of dinner could deter this girl from a nice evening at our local haunt.
Family Room, Omha
Yep, it's Chan. A moment from this year's Mother/Daughter tea party. These two attempted to dictate to the rest of the young crowd that they would be "in charge." Soon, they realized that serving tea to 8 girls under the age of ten is serious business. Might be better to just let someone else handle the formalities. This is when a gal needs a full-time staff.
Family Room, Omaha
Just kicking back watching a few bowl games and nursing a hangover from a late New Years Eve. Note to self: No more Appletinis!
Gramps and Granny Nanny's is an awesome place. This is one of our first night as we went out to watch the sunset and to look at some of the beautiful flowers.
Back Yard, Omaha
Pine Cones in Summer? It was 80 degrees on this day. Shorts and a tank... the ultimate outfit. Second only to a dress or the Tinkerbell Polyester nightgown (but at least it meets Federal safety requirements for unflammability -- is that a word?).
The following day was a different story. 58 degrees. Hey, 58 is good with me. I like 58. It's just that after the short bout of balmy-ness... the Lilacs came out and most of the Flora was ready to rock for Spring. Then came the cold. Yep, we went right back down to 45, 50, 39. Needless to say, our evenings piled on the frost. It even snowed. The plants aren't happy.
Lily and I started a flat of seeds... and since I have zero artistry when it comes to plant life, Lily and I are somewhat nonplussed as to what we should do... but I digress.
I love this photo of Lily. She's on a mission to find every last pinecone in our back field. Pierce was in on it to, but he refused to be photographed.
Basement Playroom
Time to go to Ballet. Wait, where are Pierce's shoes? Lily, do you have your coat on? You can't wear your ballet slippers in ten degree weather. Will you try to find another pair? Pierce? Pierce? Where's Pierce? (loud crash heard upstairs, followed by laughter.) Lily, I'll be right back... get your shoes and your jacket and meet me by the car, okay?
Kitchen, Omaha
For a long time, now, pens of any variety have been prohibited to Lily. This was due to a string of non-commissioned murals put up around our home that were graciously created with a Sharpie pen. On a recent voyage to Target, Lily assured me that her mural phase had passed and that she could be trusted with a pen set. She promised to cap all the pens and to only draw on paper... and to not, under any circumstances, give them to Pierce. He has a habit of ingesting art supplies. This photo shows Lily, sitting at the kitchen table, drawing a "Get Well" card for Grandad in Boston.
Oakview Mall, Omaha
Reason #47 of why I love Omaha. There is a playground in almost every local mall. They are enclosed. There is ample adult seating and the kids can burn off energy that would otherwise ensure a family trip to the mall security office. This one has a Starbucks five feet away and a semi-clean restroom. Sometimes it can be a war zone. Especially at peak mall hours. Kids of every race, color, social status, flying through the air, running, jumping, screaming, crying. Luckily, everything is padded, though I have seen blood on many occasions.
Front Yard, Omaha
Not even the first snowfall gets in the way of Lily throwing her warmup pitches. If only the damn scouts would stop calling.
Suburbia, Bent Creek Development in Omaha
Words can not describe the adoration that Lily feels for the Princess line, direct from those fine folks at Disney. Her friend, Chanley Rose, has a Princess scooter. Lily has been DYING for one. Turns out Target was having a sale. Yes, I know. We're too indulgent. She adores her new ride. Even took Teddy out on her maiden voyage.
Our driveway
Yes, I know it's sort of an amalgam costume, but due to last minute shopping by Mom, here wasn't a whole lot of selection. We merely purchased a Disney Princess magic wand and pilfered the rest from dress-up clothes and Lily's ballet attire. Thought this photo was great as it captures the Nebraska sky at sunset.
Driveway in Omaha
"Ready to hit the streets of Bent Creek, Lily?"
It's Halloween. Let's go!
Mama-Dada Bathtub
Lily has taken on the responsibility, and a big one it is, of starting the bath. This means turning on the water and adding the bubbles. Sometimes she adds a little too much, but that's okay because sometimes she's a little too sticky for her own good.
Nebraska Dance, Omaha
Hooray for Tutus. Lily's Creative Movement class is the highlight of the week. Getting to don the outfit is the highlight of her existence. Best friend Chanley Rose is at left.
Bob Boozer Drive, Omaha
In some towns, which will remain nameless, Pre-schools can be up to $20,000 a year. Not so in Omaha. The finest our town has to offer is Gingerbread House. It's in a strip mall next to a bar (not shown). Zoning hasn't really hit the Mid-West, but Lily likes the fact that Nemo is on the front window. Something tells me the fine folks at Disney are unaware of this.
Family Room
Lily sports a new fashionable bob. We're leaving tomorrow to see Gramps and Granny Nanny.
MamaDada Room
Each and every day, Lily and Pierce have a bath in Mama's deluxe jacuzzi-style tub. We play with "The Bubble Machine", (the jets) and assorted bathtime toys. After Bath, we climb into "MamaDada Bed" and watch some Sponge Bob, or Cat Dog or Rocko's World or Corneil and Bernie. Lily ALWAYS sports her fashionable robe given by Granny Nanny and Gramps.
Lily's favorite Olympic event is hill running. When we let her out into the backyard, she immediately runs up to the top of the hill (yes, Omaha has hills) and runs down it as fast as she can. If she falls, so much the better. Watch for this event at the 2024 Olympic Games.
Front Yard
When Spring comes in America's Heartland, it's big news. Bluebells and other flowers spring forth. Here, Lily is inspecting and admiring the Blue-bells in our front yard. We're just about to go out for Easter Brunch and meet the Easter Bunny. He seems to be EVERYWHERE, these days.
Temporary Corporate Housing: Omaha
This was taken in January of 2003. We had just gotten to Omaha, and were residing in a very unglamorous "Temporary Housing" apartment. Lots of brown shag and linoleum. Lily cried almost every day. No wonder... we had left LA at a very balmy eighty-degrees and arrived to Omaha where it was ten degrees. For the first time Lily had to wear shoes, and what's more... a parka, a sweater, leggings, bunting, hat and mittens. Welcome to Omaha.
Los Angeles, CA
Wow, this is back in the early days. Lily and Daisy are on the front lawn of our former residence in LA. Baby Lily!